2 Safety Measures Skydiving Instructors Take To Keep You Safe

When you skydive, you're trusting your life with your instructor. That's a lot of pressure, but these experts take safety seriously.

Here are a few ways they keep you safe in the air.

They Rigorously Inspect All Equipment Before Use 

Skydiving instructors take great care in inspecting all of the equipment before use. This includes looking for any damage or wear and tear that could compromise your safety. They also ensure that all the gear is properly calibrated and functioning correctly.

Additionally, the instructors have a thorough understanding of how the skydiving equipment works. This allows them to troubleshoot any issues that may come up during a jump.

Ultimately, skydiving instructors want to make sure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience. That's why they take the time to inspect all the equipment before each jump.

Pro-tip: If you're ever feeling unsafe or uncomfortable with the skydiving equipment, speak up. Your instructor can help check the gear for any issues and correct anything that needs to be fixed.

They Follow Strict Safety Protocols

There are strict safety protocols that skydiving instructors have to follow. These protocols are in place to minimize the risks associated with skydiving.

For example, instructors need to complete a safety check before each jump. This safety check includes checking the weather conditions and making sure that all the equipment is in good working condition.

Skydiving instructors need to have a clear understanding of the safety procedures. This way, they can act quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency.

And finally, skydiving instructors need to be able to assess risks. This means they need to be aware of the potential dangers of skydiving and how to avoid them. For instance, say an instructor sees a gust of wind coming towards the skydiving plane. They would then need to make a quick decision about whether or not it's safe to jump.

Likewise, say an instructor notices you are panicking during a jump. In this case, the instructor would need to pay close attention to your body language and skydiving equipment. They would then assess the situation and determine whether or not it's safe to intervene.

In short, skydiving instructors need to be able to think on their feet and make quick decisions. This is why they undergo extensive training before they start working with skydivers.

While skydiving can be dangerous, instructors make it their top priority to keep you safe. By following strict safety protocols, they can minimize the risks and ensure that you have a fun and safe experience.

Learn more about skydiving before you take flight. 
